CTMS -The All-in-One Tool Management Solution

Streamline Your Operations and Drive Results

What is Centralized Tool Management System (CTMS)

CTMS is a comprehensive solution that centralizes tool management, optimizes utilization, and streamlines workflows. It allows you to focus on what matters most—driving business results.

  • Gain complete visibility and control over your entire tool & license ecosystem.
  • Ensure your teams have the right tools when they need them, maximizing ROI.
  • Leverage Global Visualization on one screen - Allocation, utilization, inventory management.
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Efficient License Management

CTMS Key Elements

  • Licence control with Country SPOC approver system
  • Advance licence booking mechanism
  • Licence Optimisation (Time/Tech based)
  • Upgradation to new technology available on the same platform
  • Real-time Utilisation Report
  • Eradicate Software Piracy
  • Support all domain License inventory.
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Powerful Functionality

Key Features

Global Inventory

Track and manage your tool inventory across all locations.

Advanced Booking
and Scheduling

Ensure seamless allocation and availability of tools.

Real-Time Utilization

Gain insights into tool usage patterns and optimize utilization.

Automated License

Simplify license management and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

Multi Domain

Integration across all user license-capable domains

24/7 Customer


Get the support you need whenever you need it.

Zero Piracy

Eradicate piracy by using only genuine Licenses.

Reporting and

Gain data-driven insights with powerful reporting & analytics.

Experience the Transformative Power of CTMS

Benefits of CTMS

  • Reduced Costs
  • Improved Efficiency
  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Increased Productivity
  • Reduced Risk
  • Global tool accessibility & Utilisation.
Why US

Why Choose Atlantis CTMS?

  • Global Tool Allocation
    Tools are allocated daily worldwide, reducing idle time and demand volatility.
  • Real-Time License Management
    Advanced booking, utilization reports, and country-specific approvers.
  • Cost Savings
    Achieving a 25% reduction in license costs significantly lowers both capital (CAPEX) and operational (OPEX) expenses.
  • Compliance and Piracy Control
    Eliminates piracy, ensuring full compliance with controlled license issuance.
  • Centralized Administration
    Efficient monitoring, reporting, and cost appropriation across projects.
  • Without CTMS
  • Local Tool Management
    Tools are often idle for more extended periods and not efficiently allocated to meet varying project demands.
  • Manual License Management
    Manual processes lead to increased risks of licenses being either underutilized or overutilized, causing inefficiencies and waste.
  • Higher Costs
    Redundant licenses result in increased capital (CAPEX) and operational (OPEX) expenditures, leading to higher overall costs.
  • Piracy and Compliance Issues
    Lack of controlled license issuance increases the risk of software piracy and failure to meet compliance standards.
  • Decentralized Administration
    Fragmented management leads to inefficiencies, increased administrative tasks, and higher overhead costs.
  • Get Started with CTMS

    Lets start efficient License Management & Utilization